The note above is from Baeleigh, of course. This is why I am against the phonetic teaching of words. She spells things phonetically rather than from memory. That's why it's "Hay" and not "Hey".
I remember when I was the exact same age as Bae, I was in second grade and my mom found a note that said "I want to be President of the United States." Nothing was spelled wrong because Teachers back then were ruler whackers! You had to be proficient in reading and writing by 3rd grade or your knuckles would pay the price.
Speaking of third grade, at my 20th year reunion my friend Jeremy and I were in the same 3rd grade class. We talked about "Klep" aka Mrs. Kleppinger. She was mean and hateful. I was a straight A student until I walked her dreadful path...I still have the grade card: Straight A's and one C. It might was well been an F. I didn't get C's and rarely B's. I was LIVID with anger. Yes, it was her fault that I got a C in READING of all subjects (I am an excellent reader - have NEVER had problems with it) and she told my mother the reason I got a C was because I was in the top reading group and I did just enough to "get along." I was "average". I still loathe that woman. How could I be "average" in reading, if I were an A student in writing and language?? Good question. She just didn't like me because I talked too much.
So about my aches and pains, I went all to heck in one week. Started out with a head cold that traveled to my lungs, then my tooth started hurting from the crown leaking, which I think led to my ear ache. My neck hurts from holding my jaw. When it all starts hurting at the same time, I am a mean woman.
I go to the dentist on Monday.
Regardless of the outcome, I am hoping for good pain killers.