Yesterday was a crazy day at work. Well, it's been a crazy month at work -- but I love it. We have just been so busy and we keep getting these clients that call 50 times a day. The attorneys are in Court a lot, so when they get sick of not getting through, they decide "Okay, I will talk to the least someone will listen to me..." So, I get to hear all about how Mr. Ex did this and that and Mrs. Ex has a boyfriend and her new man peed all over his stuff... INSANITY.

I have decided that the reason I like this job so much (glad I didn't go for the TV-VCR repair certificate Schwen) is because I don't hold a candle to the dysfunction in these other peoples lives!! My crazy life is more normal than one day of some of these folks.
I have also decided that I love normal.
On my weight loss subject, I did finally hit negative 20 pounds. So I've been slacking...haven't been getting up to work out..last night Jamie and I met at the G&R for a beer and a bologna sandwich but I did get Miller Lite so I'm not beating myself up too badly! I am jumping back in full throttle today.
From my date w/ the Hubs I went to Lisa's Junk Jewelry party. Her daughter-in-law is selling that lia sophia. It is pretty...pretty darn expensive! They wanted $130 for the necklace I liked. Needless to say, as much as I'm a fan of the family, I couldn't splurge on the jewels.
No, I'm not having a party to get free junk jewelry - I arleady have tons of that crap.
So after the party, Steph, Jules, LDP and I started our own always...the Sistas had to stay up til late...I was actually up until 2:00 a.m. Lisa reminded me that when we get together, we somehow think that we are 17 again and stay up all stinkin' night. Uggghhh...I feel miserable.
We enjoyed checking the criminal records of people we don't particularly care for...isn't that awful?? And see, I live in Ashland County so all of my speeding tickets aren't on the Marion website LOL. Steph's daughter, Allison was in awe. I said "Now Allie, you better not get in trouble or everyone will know about it and talk about you!" She was mortified.
The funniest thing was Steph's speeding ticket...when I read it off her face dropped ~ I can't believe that is on there!! I said, "Well, if you don't want to be in the public eye, don't break the law!" We laughed our heads off.
I broke the news to them (and I"m breaking it to you now, Schwen) that I'm not having a funeral. They were in shock a little bit, but I seriously do not want anyone to see me dead. I think it's disgusting anyways. So I want to be cremated and they can divy up my ashes if they want too. The way I see it, a funeral is $10,000.00, plus another $5,000 for a head stone. That is ridiculous when no one will ever visit any ways.
Lisa said, "You can't die first, who is going to sing at our funerals??"
"And if you do die, first, who is going to sing at yours?"
Good question. Might I suggest Van Halen?? And then you can burn me in my 1994 concert t-shirt that says "Van Halen Kicks Ass" LOL. Sanders can organize a Poker Run, (at least we know Jr. will show up ha ha!) and we can have an Oorang Bang revisited (and we know Hot Shot will come! Double ha ha).
The long and short of it is, I'm having a memorial service, or better yet, a stay-up-all-night party. I want everyone to just be comfortable -- don't dress up -- wear your favorite black biker t-shirt for all I care. I want everyone to just remember the good times. I want laughing...I want my friends to hoop it up. For singing, I say rent a Karaoke machine or better yet, just let Eddie and Alex Van Halen play back up. I seriously don't care if anyone sings, all I care about is that the Sistas will pick out my best beach photo shot and blow it up to a fat 16x20 portrait. Then Jamie can take it home and put on the wall for his next wife to be jealous of (LOL).
I don't want to be remembered as lying in a coffin with a plastic face and bad hair...I want to be remembered as a happy, energetic, alive soul that drives her convertible to spy on Wendy's boyfriend in the middle of the night!~~
Why the talk about funerals...well, we figured out last night that my mom was our age when she got sick...and now Jenny is going thru her deal and Lisa is going thru a deal but she won't let anyone make an issue of it...but I seriously feel like the walls of anxiety are starting to fold in on me that my two best friends have cancer. I can't imagine what they are going through. I love them SOOOOO much ~ I cannot even begin to explain my sisterhood with these people. Lisa literally has the responsibility of keeping me sane - so if she goes everyone else is going to have to deal with me and that is not good! She has such patience and trust, and she always knows what to say to get me to crack up.
I seriously can't imagine life without them. Like Jenny says, "I don't want to be a part of this club." But, unfortunately, they are a part of the club. And I'm joining too just because of them. I'm not going to be left out! LOL
Schwen: you already left me geographically ~ if you even think about getting sick I'm going to kill you.
P.S. I miss Beebs ~ I'm ready for her to come home now.
Don't worry, I'm not sick, I'm just overweight. I'm not planning on getting sick, but I'm always planning on losing weight.
By the way, do you want a slide show at your memorial service? What about a memorial service meal? (I can't call it a funeral meal because you don't want a funeral.) Maybe we could get Naomi Searl and Esther Gray to whip up a ham and some sloppy joes. And one of the other old ladies can bring their famous scalloped corn. Then we can party all night on a full stomach.
Really, I don't even want to think about all this. I want you around for a long, long time.
I want Esther's meatloaf or Naomi's swiss steak! They probably won't come to the "party" though. That's okay, you will make due. LOL.
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