Just got back from lunch at Red Lobster with Steph and Ronnie and Allie, for Steph's birthday. We were nice and didn't make them come out and sing to her! We had a good time. With Steph, it would be impossible to NOT have a good time.
My personal trainer left for vacation today...he is going to Myrtle Beach for a week which means...I GET THE WHOLE WEEK OFF! Woo hoo.
We are seriously insanely busy at work so I have to make this short and sweet ~ but Wendy Lou, I love you and I'm thinking about you.
I have to get back to negotiating a settlement for a credit card (interest rates for credit cards suck. seriously, it's insanity).
I have another client on their way to sign papers...another on their way to fill out forms...and I can't remember what I was going to say in this blog...
OH! I wanted to tell a couple crazy things that Baeleigh said yesterday! I brought a big cucumber home from work from Dave & Amber's garden. It was sitting on the counter and she asked Jamie "Are you going to open that cucumber any time soon?" We laughed. "Open it ~ you mean peel it?" "No," she said, I want you to open it so I can try it."
Then 8:00 p.m. rolled around and I fell asleep in our bedroom. Jamie fell asleep on the couch. At 10:30 p.m. Bae comes in my room and says "I am sleeping in here" and I said, "Go to your own bed please. And why are you still up at 10:30 at night??"
"I'm still on vacation." She says and then proceeded to crawl into bed with me.
I love this age. It is hilarious!
N. Powers
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
We think we are 17 again...How does that happen??
Whenever Lisa and Steph and I get together, it is insanity. They make me laugh so hard, my face hurts. Throw Julie in the mix, (Lisa's sister) and it's unstoppable.
Yesterday was a crazy day at work. Well, it's been a crazy month at work -- but I love it. We have just been so busy and we keep getting these clients that call 50 times a day. The attorneys are in Court a lot, so when they get sick of not getting through, they decide "Okay, I will talk to the Paralegal...at least someone will listen to me..." So, I get to hear all about how Mr. Ex did this and that and Mrs. Ex has a boyfriend and her new man peed all over his stuff... INSANITY.

I have decided that the reason I like this job so much (glad I didn't go for the TV-VCR repair certificate Schwen) is because I don't hold a candle to the dysfunction in these other peoples lives!! My crazy life is more normal than one day of some of these folks.
I have also decided that I love normal.
On my weight loss subject, I did finally hit negative 20 pounds. So I've been slacking...haven't been getting up to work out..last night Jamie and I met at the G&R for a beer and a bologna sandwich but I did get Miller Lite so I'm not beating myself up too badly! I am jumping back in full throttle today.
From my date w/ the Hubs I went to Lisa's Junk Jewelry party. Her daughter-in-law is selling that lia sophia. It is pretty...pretty darn expensive! They wanted $130 for the necklace I liked. Needless to say, as much as I'm a fan of the family, I couldn't splurge on the jewels.
No, I'm not having a party to get free junk jewelry - I arleady have tons of that crap.
So after the party, Steph, Jules, LDP and I started our own party...like always...the Sistas had to stay up til late...I was actually up until 2:00 a.m. Lisa reminded me that when we get together, we somehow think that we are 17 again and stay up all stinkin' night. Uggghhh...I feel miserable.
We enjoyed checking the criminal records of people we don't particularly care for...isn't that awful?? And see, I live in Ashland County so all of my speeding tickets aren't on the Marion website LOL. Steph's daughter, Allison was in awe. I said "Now Allie, you better not get in trouble or everyone will know about it and talk about you!" She was mortified.
The funniest thing was Steph's speeding ticket...when I read it off her face dropped ~ I can't believe that is on there!! I said, "Well, if you don't want to be in the public eye, don't break the law!" We laughed our heads off.
I broke the news to them (and I"m breaking it to you now, Schwen) that I'm not having a funeral. They were in shock a little bit, but I seriously do not want anyone to see me dead. I think it's disgusting anyways. So I want to be cremated and they can divy up my ashes if they want too. The way I see it, a funeral is $10,000.00, plus another $5,000 for a head stone. That is ridiculous when no one will ever visit any ways.
Lisa said, "You can't die first, who is going to sing at our funerals??"
"And if you do die, first, who is going to sing at yours?"
Good question. Might I suggest Van Halen?? And then you can burn me in my 1994 concert t-shirt that says "Van Halen Kicks Ass" LOL. Sanders can organize a Poker Run, (at least we know Jr. will show up ha ha!) and we can have an Oorang Bang revisited (and we know Hot Shot will come! Double ha ha).
The long and short of it is, I'm having a memorial service, or better yet, a stay-up-all-night party. I want everyone to just be comfortable -- don't dress up -- wear your favorite black biker t-shirt for all I care. I want everyone to just remember the good times. I want laughing...I want my friends to hoop it up. For singing, I say rent a Karaoke machine or better yet, just let Eddie and Alex Van Halen play back up. I seriously don't care if anyone sings, all I care about is that the Sistas will pick out my best beach photo shot and blow it up to a fat 16x20 portrait. Then Jamie can take it home and put on the wall for his next wife to be jealous of (LOL).
I don't want to be remembered as lying in a coffin with a plastic face and bad hair...I want to be remembered as a happy, energetic, alive soul that drives her convertible to spy on Wendy's boyfriend in the middle of the night!~~
Why the talk about funerals...well, we figured out last night that my mom was our age when she got sick...and now Jenny is going thru her deal and Lisa is going thru a deal but she won't let anyone make an issue of it...but I seriously feel like the walls of anxiety are starting to fold in on me that my two best friends have cancer. I can't imagine what they are going through. I love them SOOOOO much ~ I cannot even begin to explain my sisterhood with these people. Lisa literally has the responsibility of keeping me sane - so if she goes everyone else is going to have to deal with me and that is not good! She has such patience and trust, and she always knows what to say to get me to crack up.
I seriously can't imagine life without them. Like Jenny says, "I don't want to be a part of this club." But, unfortunately, they are a part of the club. And I'm joining too just because of them. I'm not going to be left out! LOL
Schwen: you already left me geographically ~ if you even think about getting sick I'm going to kill you.
P.S. I miss Beebs ~ I'm ready for her to come home now.
Yesterday was a crazy day at work. Well, it's been a crazy month at work -- but I love it. We have just been so busy and we keep getting these clients that call 50 times a day. The attorneys are in Court a lot, so when they get sick of not getting through, they decide "Okay, I will talk to the Paralegal...at least someone will listen to me..." So, I get to hear all about how Mr. Ex did this and that and Mrs. Ex has a boyfriend and her new man peed all over his stuff... INSANITY.

I have decided that the reason I like this job so much (glad I didn't go for the TV-VCR repair certificate Schwen) is because I don't hold a candle to the dysfunction in these other peoples lives!! My crazy life is more normal than one day of some of these folks.
I have also decided that I love normal.
On my weight loss subject, I did finally hit negative 20 pounds. So I've been slacking...haven't been getting up to work out..last night Jamie and I met at the G&R for a beer and a bologna sandwich but I did get Miller Lite so I'm not beating myself up too badly! I am jumping back in full throttle today.
From my date w/ the Hubs I went to Lisa's Junk Jewelry party. Her daughter-in-law is selling that lia sophia. It is pretty...pretty darn expensive! They wanted $130 for the necklace I liked. Needless to say, as much as I'm a fan of the family, I couldn't splurge on the jewels.
No, I'm not having a party to get free junk jewelry - I arleady have tons of that crap.
So after the party, Steph, Jules, LDP and I started our own party...like always...the Sistas had to stay up til late...I was actually up until 2:00 a.m. Lisa reminded me that when we get together, we somehow think that we are 17 again and stay up all stinkin' night. Uggghhh...I feel miserable.
We enjoyed checking the criminal records of people we don't particularly care for...isn't that awful?? And see, I live in Ashland County so all of my speeding tickets aren't on the Marion website LOL. Steph's daughter, Allison was in awe. I said "Now Allie, you better not get in trouble or everyone will know about it and talk about you!" She was mortified.
The funniest thing was Steph's speeding ticket...when I read it off her face dropped ~ I can't believe that is on there!! I said, "Well, if you don't want to be in the public eye, don't break the law!" We laughed our heads off.
I broke the news to them (and I"m breaking it to you now, Schwen) that I'm not having a funeral. They were in shock a little bit, but I seriously do not want anyone to see me dead. I think it's disgusting anyways. So I want to be cremated and they can divy up my ashes if they want too. The way I see it, a funeral is $10,000.00, plus another $5,000 for a head stone. That is ridiculous when no one will ever visit any ways.
Lisa said, "You can't die first, who is going to sing at our funerals??"
"And if you do die, first, who is going to sing at yours?"
Good question. Might I suggest Van Halen?? And then you can burn me in my 1994 concert t-shirt that says "Van Halen Kicks Ass" LOL. Sanders can organize a Poker Run, (at least we know Jr. will show up ha ha!) and we can have an Oorang Bang revisited (and we know Hot Shot will come! Double ha ha).
The long and short of it is, I'm having a memorial service, or better yet, a stay-up-all-night party. I want everyone to just be comfortable -- don't dress up -- wear your favorite black biker t-shirt for all I care. I want everyone to just remember the good times. I want laughing...I want my friends to hoop it up. For singing, I say rent a Karaoke machine or better yet, just let Eddie and Alex Van Halen play back up. I seriously don't care if anyone sings, all I care about is that the Sistas will pick out my best beach photo shot and blow it up to a fat 16x20 portrait. Then Jamie can take it home and put on the wall for his next wife to be jealous of (LOL).
I don't want to be remembered as lying in a coffin with a plastic face and bad hair...I want to be remembered as a happy, energetic, alive soul that drives her convertible to spy on Wendy's boyfriend in the middle of the night!~~
Why the talk about funerals...well, we figured out last night that my mom was our age when she got sick...and now Jenny is going thru her deal and Lisa is going thru a deal but she won't let anyone make an issue of it...but I seriously feel like the walls of anxiety are starting to fold in on me that my two best friends have cancer. I can't imagine what they are going through. I love them SOOOOO much ~ I cannot even begin to explain my sisterhood with these people. Lisa literally has the responsibility of keeping me sane - so if she goes everyone else is going to have to deal with me and that is not good! She has such patience and trust, and she always knows what to say to get me to crack up.
I seriously can't imagine life without them. Like Jenny says, "I don't want to be a part of this club." But, unfortunately, they are a part of the club. And I'm joining too just because of them. I'm not going to be left out! LOL
Schwen: you already left me geographically ~ if you even think about getting sick I'm going to kill you.
P.S. I miss Beebs ~ I'm ready for her to come home now.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tattoos and Ipods
Every person has someone that they have known the deepest...that they trust the most...that they love endlessly no matter how many seconds, minutes, days, months and years go by.
I am blessed with many wonderful friends. My first friend was Kent Morgan in first grade. We have remained friends. My newest friend would be Anita here at work. She is so kind that she gave me her pizza from yesterday for my lunch today! (Because i forgot to pack my lunch ~ it was Patti, Denise and April day at Patti's Patio).
There are many people who have made lasting impressions on my life. Mostly good, but some bad things in there. For the most part, the bad has made me stronger and has increased my faith even more.
But there is one person that sits deep, deep in my heart. When we were twelve, we used to sign our letters V.V.V.B.F.F. Of course, standing for very, very, very, best friends forever. One time I even made a contract (in which I still have) stating that I would not be V.V.V.B.F.F.'s with Marla, to prove undying loyalty. I could be a b.f.f. but not a V.V.V.B.F.F.!
27 years later we are still V.V.V.B.F.F.'s even though we don't talk every day on the phone like we used to (my parents had many problems because of our outrageous phone bills!). My favorite memory is when she came home on the bus to my house (we forged a note) and I didn't even tell my mom! We came to my house and ate chicken pot pies. It was freezing cold out and it was getting ready to storm but we didn't care. We walked all the way out to the LaRue park. Our legs were welted, that's how cold it was. Then dark black storm clouds started rolling in...we decided it was a tornado and we named it the JenNat. (Ja-Nat). Of course because it had both of our names in it.
We went back to my house and called Jenny's mom and informed her of Jenny's whereabouts (nice of us to TELL our parents what we were going to do...) and my mother wouldn't let Geege spend the night (her name is also Gee Gee or Geege...long story for a later blog...) and so I was not happy at all on the car ride home. We were all crammed in the front seat of Old Grey (Dad's work truck): Dad, Keith, Mom, Jack, Meagan, Jen, Me. I started getting a little mouthy and mom reached over to back hand me and she got Jenny in the arm! I wailed "You hit Jenny!" And of course my mom is apologizing and Gee Gee is saying "that's okay" and it was Total Chaos!! Like it always was when she and I were together!
I could list years or memories on here...but that's something that was consistent -- total chaos!
Probably the funniest thing when we were in high school, Patti (Geege's mom) let us the take the Grasshopper (the green station wagon) into Marion because she THOUGHT (because Jenny told her) that I had my drivers license! ( Jenny only had her temps.). So away we went, neither of us legal drivers. I called Brenda (my mom) from the pay phone at the mall and told on myself. She didn't get mad, of course, she was cool like that, but instructed us to "get your crazy asses home before you get pulled over by a pig." Can you tell my mother grew up with 5 brothers on a farm and was the only girl??!!
At any rate, in our adult lives, we went to eat at Olive Garden and decided to have a bottle of our favorite wine, Ste. Michelle Riesling. After we finished off the bottle we were feeling that liquid courage...and decided to get tattoos! Aren't we so adventurous??
Since I have returned home for my job, it has been great going to lunch and being able to hang out with Geege. She runs a summer kids program and I drop Baeleigh off there on my way to work. She is so good to my daughter and I am so lucky that our kids get to spend time together since we live an hour apart.
Not long ago, Jen was diagnosed with cancer. Just typing that, my heart sank, my stomach turned and my eyes watered. She has surgery soon, and her prognosis is amazing, so we are very thankful to God about that, but it just catches my mind that I could lose her.
We all lose each other some day...I get that. But Jenny is the best friend I've ever had, the closest person I've ever been to, the person that I am most proud of as she is an honest, loving, successful caring person.
I dig that. She lives her life to the highest standards (something I've always fallen short of) and I so admire that.
Tomorrow we are having lunch together. She doesn't know it, but I have a surprise.
I love surprises!! I almost told her today but I didn't!!!
I have been ipod shopping because my died from 3 years ago. It was right when the black ones came out (remember the old days when ipods were only white? and then black was the new trend!) Anyhow, I got it my mind that she and I needed ipods. She will never spend any money on herself. And God knows I don't have ANY problem spending money!!!
So I text her and asked her if she had an ipod. No. She wanted to know why. I couldn't lie: "Well, mine died and I'm wanting to get a new one." Then I asked her what color I should get, I couldn't decide between pink or blue. She text back "pink for breast cancer awareness! lol".
I ordered 2 pink ipods. The engraving on the back says:
Jen + Nat

They arrived today at work and I had to tell somebody! So, thank you for listening ;).
Lord, thank you for my friends and my family. They are my reason for getting up in the morning. They have carried me through the deepest, darkest hours of my life. And thanks for Geege ~ she is part of my soul. Please make her well for a thousand more years.
I am blessed with many wonderful friends. My first friend was Kent Morgan in first grade. We have remained friends. My newest friend would be Anita here at work. She is so kind that she gave me her pizza from yesterday for my lunch today! (Because i forgot to pack my lunch ~ it was Patti, Denise and April day at Patti's Patio).
There are many people who have made lasting impressions on my life. Mostly good, but some bad things in there. For the most part, the bad has made me stronger and has increased my faith even more.
But there is one person that sits deep, deep in my heart. When we were twelve, we used to sign our letters V.V.V.B.F.F. Of course, standing for very, very, very, best friends forever. One time I even made a contract (in which I still have) stating that I would not be V.V.V.B.F.F.'s with Marla, to prove undying loyalty. I could be a b.f.f. but not a V.V.V.B.F.F.!
27 years later we are still V.V.V.B.F.F.'s even though we don't talk every day on the phone like we used to (my parents had many problems because of our outrageous phone bills!). My favorite memory is when she came home on the bus to my house (we forged a note) and I didn't even tell my mom! We came to my house and ate chicken pot pies. It was freezing cold out and it was getting ready to storm but we didn't care. We walked all the way out to the LaRue park. Our legs were welted, that's how cold it was. Then dark black storm clouds started rolling in...we decided it was a tornado and we named it the JenNat. (Ja-Nat). Of course because it had both of our names in it.
We went back to my house and called Jenny's mom and informed her of Jenny's whereabouts (nice of us to TELL our parents what we were going to do...) and my mother wouldn't let Geege spend the night (her name is also Gee Gee or Geege...long story for a later blog...) and so I was not happy at all on the car ride home. We were all crammed in the front seat of Old Grey (Dad's work truck): Dad, Keith, Mom, Jack, Meagan, Jen, Me. I started getting a little mouthy and mom reached over to back hand me and she got Jenny in the arm! I wailed "You hit Jenny!" And of course my mom is apologizing and Gee Gee is saying "that's okay" and it was Total Chaos!! Like it always was when she and I were together!
I could list years or memories on here...but that's something that was consistent -- total chaos!
Probably the funniest thing when we were in high school, Patti (Geege's mom) let us the take the Grasshopper (the green station wagon) into Marion because she THOUGHT (because Jenny told her) that I had my drivers license! ( Jenny only had her temps.). So away we went, neither of us legal drivers. I called Brenda (my mom) from the pay phone at the mall and told on myself. She didn't get mad, of course, she was cool like that, but instructed us to "get your crazy asses home before you get pulled over by a pig." Can you tell my mother grew up with 5 brothers on a farm and was the only girl??!!
At any rate, in our adult lives, we went to eat at Olive Garden and decided to have a bottle of our favorite wine, Ste. Michelle Riesling. After we finished off the bottle we were feeling that liquid courage...and decided to get tattoos! Aren't we so adventurous??
Since I have returned home for my job, it has been great going to lunch and being able to hang out with Geege. She runs a summer kids program and I drop Baeleigh off there on my way to work. She is so good to my daughter and I am so lucky that our kids get to spend time together since we live an hour apart.
Not long ago, Jen was diagnosed with cancer. Just typing that, my heart sank, my stomach turned and my eyes watered. She has surgery soon, and her prognosis is amazing, so we are very thankful to God about that, but it just catches my mind that I could lose her.
We all lose each other some day...I get that. But Jenny is the best friend I've ever had, the closest person I've ever been to, the person that I am most proud of as she is an honest, loving, successful caring person.
I dig that. She lives her life to the highest standards (something I've always fallen short of) and I so admire that.
Tomorrow we are having lunch together. She doesn't know it, but I have a surprise.
I love surprises!! I almost told her today but I didn't!!!
I have been ipod shopping because my died from 3 years ago. It was right when the black ones came out (remember the old days when ipods were only white? and then black was the new trend!) Anyhow, I got it my mind that she and I needed ipods. She will never spend any money on herself. And God knows I don't have ANY problem spending money!!!
So I text her and asked her if she had an ipod. No. She wanted to know why. I couldn't lie: "Well, mine died and I'm wanting to get a new one." Then I asked her what color I should get, I couldn't decide between pink or blue. She text back "pink for breast cancer awareness! lol".
I ordered 2 pink ipods. The engraving on the back says:
Jen + Nat

They arrived today at work and I had to tell somebody! So, thank you for listening ;).
Lord, thank you for my friends and my family. They are my reason for getting up in the morning. They have carried me through the deepest, darkest hours of my life. And thanks for Geege ~ she is part of my soul. Please make her well for a thousand more years.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Back to life...Back to reality...
I am stuck at negative 19.5. Been there for a week now. GRRRRR.... I was advised that it was a plateau... not happy about that!
My class reunion is Aug. 23 (Bae and Gig's birthdays!) so I at least want to lose 5 more! But the reality of it is: is that 5 lbs. won't make much of a difference. So maybe I should go for 10...
...sadly, I think I am getting obsessed. But that's okay - better than shopping or eating or gymboreeing!
We are supposed to go to Virgina Beach this weekend -- don't know if we will make the trip or not. Bae is definitely going with or without us. Good ol' grandma and grandpa -- they are the best!
Today is my very dear friend's birthday.... Patti is 29 today. LOL.
Ryan, Steph and I worked out last Thursday. We used a medicine ball and I felt it in my arms for days...and he made me run 1.5 miles...still griping about that...then I get a text at 11:45 p.m. (yes Ryan, old people like myself are in a deep deep sleep by almost midnight!) asking when we are working out again...my answer....I DIDN"T ANSWER I WAS ZONKED! I was going to text him back at 5:30 a.m. this morning but he probably didn't get to bed until 3:00 a.m. !
Kevin had trial yesterday...we had a good day. Our witness did great -- he finishes up today. The opposing counselor admitted 37 exhibits as evidence...it took 3 hours! I was going to follow suit of the bailiff and take a snooze...thank the Lord no one attacked the judge!
I guess Kev and I looked intimidating considering that the opposing party requested that security "wand us down" for weapons. Thank you Jesus my underwire didn't set the thing off! LOL.
Oh, I was told to post my workout: Sorry I almost forgot!
Ryan has me run one mile on the treadmill and then run one half mile on the elliptical. Then we do weights: 3 sets of 10 on each: arms (biceps & triceps) legs, abs, shoulders. Then I have to do 10 more mins. on the elliptical, then 3 sets of the medicine ball. To top it off, I have to do these 5 lb. arm weights on my hands and knees and raise my arms to the side. I do not know what those are called, but it is definetely defining the back of my arms.
I talked Ryan out of the push ups this week as he threw my back out last time. Glad he had some sympathy for me....
Until next time...no baby snickers...
My class reunion is Aug. 23 (Bae and Gig's birthdays!) so I at least want to lose 5 more! But the reality of it is: is that 5 lbs. won't make much of a difference. So maybe I should go for 10...
...sadly, I think I am getting obsessed. But that's okay - better than shopping or eating or gymboreeing!
We are supposed to go to Virgina Beach this weekend -- don't know if we will make the trip or not. Bae is definitely going with or without us. Good ol' grandma and grandpa -- they are the best!
Today is my very dear friend's birthday.... Patti is 29 today. LOL.
Ryan, Steph and I worked out last Thursday. We used a medicine ball and I felt it in my arms for days...and he made me run 1.5 miles...still griping about that...then I get a text at 11:45 p.m. (yes Ryan, old people like myself are in a deep deep sleep by almost midnight!) asking when we are working out again...my answer....I DIDN"T ANSWER I WAS ZONKED! I was going to text him back at 5:30 a.m. this morning but he probably didn't get to bed until 3:00 a.m. !
Kevin had trial yesterday...we had a good day. Our witness did great -- he finishes up today. The opposing counselor admitted 37 exhibits as evidence...it took 3 hours! I was going to follow suit of the bailiff and take a snooze...thank the Lord no one attacked the judge!
I guess Kev and I looked intimidating considering that the opposing party requested that security "wand us down" for weapons. Thank you Jesus my underwire didn't set the thing off! LOL.
Oh, I was told to post my workout: Sorry I almost forgot!
Ryan has me run one mile on the treadmill and then run one half mile on the elliptical. Then we do weights: 3 sets of 10 on each: arms (biceps & triceps) legs, abs, shoulders. Then I have to do 10 more mins. on the elliptical, then 3 sets of the medicine ball. To top it off, I have to do these 5 lb. arm weights on my hands and knees and raise my arms to the side. I do not know what those are called, but it is definetely defining the back of my arms.
I talked Ryan out of the push ups this week as he threw my back out last time. Glad he had some sympathy for me....
Until next time...no baby snickers...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
"Flashing Lightning Bugs are trying to attract mates. Among most but not all species of North American Lightning Bugs, males fly about flashing while females perch on vegetation, usually near the ground. If the female sees a flasher and she's ready to mate she responds by flashing right after the male's last flash. A short flash dialogue takes place as the male flies closer and closer, and then, if all goes well, they mate."
Now don't you feel better knowing that? This summer, my MOST favorite thing to do is sit out on the deck and watch the fireflies. It is best when the moon is behind a cloud and all the lights are out in the house. It's whimsical and magical all at the same time.
What has crossed my mind...how do they know which ones are girls and which ones are boys in the pitch dark!?! There must be some difference in the female and male flashes.
I have decided that the lightening bugs flashing is God's gift especially to me. Every night before I go to sleep, I look out the window and see them flashing. Even when it rains, they are still there. And I always thank Him for such a beautiful sight.
Now that you got your science tidbit of education today, go enjoy the flash of the lightening bugs...
Happy Summer.
Nat. Renee
Now don't you feel better knowing that? This summer, my MOST favorite thing to do is sit out on the deck and watch the fireflies. It is best when the moon is behind a cloud and all the lights are out in the house. It's whimsical and magical all at the same time.
What has crossed my mind...how do they know which ones are girls and which ones are boys in the pitch dark!?! There must be some difference in the female and male flashes.
I have decided that the lightening bugs flashing is God's gift especially to me. Every night before I go to sleep, I look out the window and see them flashing. Even when it rains, they are still there. And I always thank Him for such a beautiful sight.
Now that you got your science tidbit of education today, go enjoy the flash of the lightening bugs...
Happy Summer.
Nat. Renee
Monday, July 6, 2009
Plus two...uh oh...
I disobeyed orders....I gained two stinkin' pounds! I don't know why...I walked my butt off on Saturday. Our cabin was right in the side of a mountain and the vehicles could hardly make it up...but I was persistant and I walked up and downhill for 45 minutes. My butt and my legs were killing me for the remainder of the trip!
Maybe it was that Butterfinger Blizzard...or the Sour Cream & Onion Pringles...or the fried shrimp at the Steer House...so when I had lunch with Sanders today I got a boring old chicken salad while he ate pizza, spaghetti and apple crisp off the Warehouse bar. I was foaming at the mouth over the apple crisp...
Regardless, I gotta get these two pounds off by Thursday or Ryan will be complaining...but I didn't eat any noodles...
Our deck is still under construction. We are going to hit it hard this week to finish it up. We have another vacation coming up at the end of July and then in September.
Life is lovely...
Except I miss my Granny and my Schwen!
Unti next time...keep smiling...
Maybe it was that Butterfinger Blizzard...or the Sour Cream & Onion Pringles...or the fried shrimp at the Steer House...so when I had lunch with Sanders today I got a boring old chicken salad while he ate pizza, spaghetti and apple crisp off the Warehouse bar. I was foaming at the mouth over the apple crisp...
Regardless, I gotta get these two pounds off by Thursday or Ryan will be complaining...but I didn't eat any noodles...
Our deck is still under construction. We are going to hit it hard this week to finish it up. We have another vacation coming up at the end of July and then in September.
Life is lovely...

Except I miss my Granny and my Schwen!
Unti next time...keep smiling...
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