FINALLY...I have a new phone! My old one was JuNk!!! To be fair, I am extra rough on the equipment, just ask my mother-in-law. She gave us a car and I've dented in the side, (twice), knocked a piece of the muffler off (so it's loud...gets louder by the day), I got hair color on the console (it's purple) and I've burned up the brakes (they are clanking at every stop sign). But all of the sounds are okay because the stereo still blares over top of them. So I'm not whining at all...until I blow the speakers up like I did in the Jeep...
Yes, I'm taking full blame for my Samsung Alias turning in to junk after only 9 months of use. I wore out the piece that takes the charger so I had to buy an external battery charger. Then the battery wouldn't hold a charge for more than a few hours so I bought another battery. I guess I talk too much (or text too much rather) and burned that baby up too. Needless to say, when Verizon sent the email to upgrade 6 months early I couldn't get online fast enough! I got an LG EnV3 and so far, I really really like it. It is maroon. And it has a keyboard which I like. The Alias was a flip phone and I liked that but I wanted a change.
Change is good, although Jamie would disagree with me. I can prove this because I offered him the Alias but he declined. He still has Lesi Jarrell's FIRST EvEr phone from 5 years ago. That phone has made it through the washer and dryer. The flash wouldn't turn off so Jamie just poked it out with a screwdriver. That phone looks like it did it's tour of duty in Vietnam. He hates change. Me, not so much.
Here are the only pictures that I saved from the old phone... (plus the one at the top...)

Isn't she beautiful? I am a proud Ma Muh that's for sure.
So, next time you call me, or I call you, I will not have to say..."Shoot, I have to go, my battery is..." and then it dies.
Have a great weekend.
" 11Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, 12so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody." 1 Thessalonians 11-12
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