It's fine on Black Friday...Jenny and I shopped from midnight on Thursday until 3:00 p.m. on Friday. I got TONS of good deals. I do my shopping and dad's shopping for the grandkids so I definately have a lot to buy. My best deals were at Target this year. We hit the Polaris location after the came from the Jefferson Outlets with Sammy and Brittany.
Since then, I have not cared much about Christmas. I think it is because I gone from home 11 hours a day and when you calculate in the 3 Christmas programs Bae is in, (school, daycare and church) and laundry on top of all that, I am just plain old tired.
I can't wait to go to Michigan next year. Ty and Jenny came up last Saturday and all talked about it. I love not having any responsiblities. I love not having to do laundry for one whole week (even though it takes me two whole weeks to catch it back up when we get home...) . And I LOVE supporting the Kewadian Community! But most of all, I love spending time with the family that helped raised me - the Russell's. Ralph and Patty are second parents to me and it's great to hear them them tell stories...like Patty hiding the Ho Ho's because she knew I was on my way over... True story.
Jamie desperately needs a week off of work. He freezes to death during the winter. Why they make him work in a building with no walls in the wintertime is beyond me.
We did finally get the tree up last night.
The only thing I am looking forward to is the stockings that Santa does every year. They are stuffed over the rim, full of my favorite usuals: chapstick, Andes Mints and the best thing...scratch off lottery tickets!
Grandma Shoup started the Santa Stockings and now Deb has kept up the tradition. We get some really unique things too and stupid me, every year, "Deb, where in the world did you find that!?!" Deb: " I don't know, Santa picked it up somewhere..."
I tend to forget that the kids still beleive in Santa.
I am also looking forward to staying home for Christmas. We are doing dinners early this year starting tonight...so we will be home for the entire weekend. The only thing missing will be my friend Schwen...I wish she was coming home this year. Then maybe I would be excited about Christmas~!

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