What has happened since January somethingish... (at least I think it was January...)
February ~ Celebrated Jamie's birthday and my one year Collins & Lowther anniversary on the same day. Bae and I gave him an iTunes giftcard that is still sitting on the kitchen table because he bootlegs all of his music. Yes, I am married to a thief. I guess that is why I am strategically employed as a Paralegal.
I don't remember much about March, April or May, except that Jenny finally made it through her chemo and radiation and she is doing wonderfully. Her scans have come back clean and I cannot praise God enough. Another vague memory ~ I can sorta recall that we had several Court trials - like 3 which is insanely insane. Won one, lost one and one is still being decided, so our batting average could go either way at this point.
For Easter this year we went to New York to see the Jarrell's. We took Flat Stanley, sent to us by my nephew Izak Darling.
I'm going to conclude my blog to a part two later...I'm all of the sudden extremely exhausted. And remind me to tell you about my washing machine...
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